What to know about Liapor?

Az elmúlt években az építőanyagok hőszigetelő és hőtároló képessége iránti igény nagyon megnőtt, ennek köszönhetően azok ezen képességei is sokat javultak. Az új technológiáknak köszönhetően a falazó elemek beépítéséhez szükséges habarcsmennyiség is jelentősen csökkent. (Az agyagtégla, a liapor kerámia stb. anyagok sokkal  jobb hőszigetelők, mint a habarcs.)

As a result of research and development, expanded clay aggregate, also known as Liapor, has been created, revolutionizing the construction industry as it possesses excellent properties in every aspect. Liapor is made from special third-grade clay and is also known in Hungary as keramzit. Liapor does not harm the environment at all.

Nowadays, it is also used in agriculture to improve soil properties. Liapor is such a stable material that it does not decompose even over thousands of years.

Lightweight concrete masonry elements, ceiling elements, mortar, and backfills can be made from expanded clay aggregate.

  • It has excellent thermoregulation properties.
  • It has high acoustic insulating capacity.
  • It is resistant to weather conditions, heat, frost, and chemicals. Liapor is practically non-flammable!
  • It is resistant to weather conditions, heat, frost, and chemicals. Liapor is practically non-flammable!
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for health (no electrosmog, etc.).
  • 100% recyclable

Another important material in the walls of our houses is Siopor, which is an extraordinary porous granulate that replaces standard aggregates. It is manufactured using patented technology and is made from a certain siliceous sand (quartz sand). With proper heat treatment at around 300°C, it grows into a porous aggregate (construction stone).

  • It is a natural and ecological material.
  • It has excellent thermal insulation properties.
  • It is a perfect sound insulating material.
  • It is waterproof.
  • Siopor does not contain emissions, making it safe for health (harmless).
  • It is biologically resistant to mold, insects, and rodents. 100% recyclable.
  • 100% recyclable

The walls of our prefabricated houses also contain cement (perhaps not necessary to introduce). Cement is an essential part of our walls and is used almost everywhere in the construction industry. Cement acts as the binder between the various components, and thus, we use high-strength cements to achieve the perfect bonding of this clean natural composition.

Használunk még különböző speciális adalékanyagokat is. Természetes komponenseket a készházak hőszigetelési, hangszigetelési és statikai tulajdonságainak tökéletesítéséhez. Elsősorban lágyítókról van szó, amelyek módosítják a kompozit feldolgozás lehetőségét és kikeményedési idejét, ill. növelik a szilárdságát. Fontos összetevő a levegőztető adalékanyag is, amely javítja a kompozit szigetelő paramétereket és sajátos súlyát.  

The combination of these four basic components creates a unique, innovative construction product, the masonry of Liapor prefabricated houses, which is the most important part of our houses!!


Sikeres űrlapbeküldés

Kollégáink 48 órán belül felveszik Önnel a kapcsolatot.